
Welcome to the OnyxNetwork Store!

Our Payment Methods

You can use any payment method that tebex checkout offers! This includes PayPal, all major credit and debit cards along with 50+ other payment methods!


Missing your items?

Our store should process your goods within 15 minutes of purchase. If you still haven't received your items by then, feel free to direct message one of the admins or owners.

Refund Policy
Any purchases made on this store are under the strict non-refund policy. In an event of attempts to bypass our refund policy via filling a dispute with PayPal and/or your credit card company, your access to the network and possibly anything related will be revoked.


OnyxNetwork is not in any way affiliated with Minecraft, Mojang AB, and/or Microsoft Corporation. Minecraft is © and trademark Mojang AB.

Packages can change at any time.

No ranks are guaranteed at anytime
Coins are not guaranteed at anytime
IGN changes can and will effect things in server, we are not responsible for lost items or progress when you change your minecraft name
If you do not claim payouts before next season end then it will be passed down to the other person. If you do not have discord then you will not be able to claim the codes for winning

Any use of the Name OnyxGens or OnyxNetwork is prohibited without permission and will result in legal action

Making a purchase in this store, means you agree to what is said above.

You must have Discord to get payouts. Payouts ONLY  go to the winners. Payouts can change without notice. You MUST be linked in the discord to get payouts.

We are not at fault for any lost coins. Coins can disappear, we can not guarantee that coins will stay 100% of the time

Selling rank vouchers to other players for any amount of money, your access to the network and possibly anything related will be revoked.